Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lunch in the chursh

I wen to the church with my homestay family on last Saturday. I go there twice a month. We usually arrive there at 11:00 and stay until 1:00. This time, we had the lunch party after praying. Everyone brought something to eat or something to drink. We brought some vegetarian curry. Nobody brought food with meat. If I have a party and I have to bring something in Japan, I will not care about food which has meat. Almost every Japanese people don't have strong religion. I don't have any food which I can't eat or I don't eat. My homestay mother doesn't eat any pork and drink milk and coffee, but she eats chicken and beef insted of pork and drinks soy milk insted of milk. After I came here, my food style changed a lot. For example, I didn't used to eat any black beans, but I eat them every day. I used to drink milk, but I drink soy milk every day. I don't have any complaint. As you know this expression,
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
In my situation, it's not Romans. It's Canadians. hahaha(^_^) To return to the church, I ate many kinds of vegetarian food and talked with people. We have known each other before we talked on last Saturday because we have met several times in the church. It was good opportunity!!! I spent nice time with great food and great people.


pAo said...

how are you??
i am good with alot of cold.
now the weather is very cold. i don't like a lot. I prefer the warm weather.
so really you went with your famiy homestay to the church. you liked?? i think that is a experience you meet diferent canadian religios.


take care

see you


Moni said...

Hi Haruka!!
That is a good chance to meet other people and practice yoour speaking. I Like when I am part of some meeting from diferent religion that mine. I like to learn customs from other cultures.

Kevin said...

I also follow the Idiom..
so, I gain a lot of fat in here..

how was your church???
Is it good??
I also went to canadian church once when I was staying ex-homesaty..
It was molmon church and I was suprised they wore a suit...
It was uncomfortable for me..

I think, you were enjoyed a lot in your church~