Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Last great vacation

I went to Guam with my friends last my vacation. Do you know Guam?? It's a part of USA and close to Saopan. It's also close to Japan. It took us about 3.5 hours to get there. The average temperature is 26℃. Guam is a tropical island.
Many Japanese people like to go there because it's close to Japan and there are lots of duty free stores. Most of Japanese people love branded stuff.
Fist day we went to the night market near by our hotel. That place was for tourists. People who live there performed and sold traditional food and souvenirs.
We stayed there for 4 days. Unfortunately,the wether was not so nice.. We had 3 cloudy days,but you can see the other day was wonderful!! We got a tan and did some activities at beach. After going back to our hotel, I found a tiny freckle on my back(;_:) It's ok because I can't see it without a mirror. haha

Recently almost evey my Japanese friends have gotten their jobs. After they start their jobs, it's difficult to travel .That's why we enjoyed a lot. It was our last trip in the school days.


Kristi said...
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Kristi said...

I've never heard of that place before. It looks like a great place to take a vacation! Plus, it's so close for you. No wonder Japanese like it so much.

I remember when I was in school. I couldn't wait to start working, so that I could make some money to travel. Now I find it hard to coordinate with my friends who are working. I wish sometimes that I was back in school because we all had the same vacation time! :(

Homey said...


Vicky~* said...

The photos are so wonderful~! Hruka! How are you? I hope to go to Guam. I'v never been there but I knew about that place. I love the sea~!! But I think I have to learn swimming first; haha^^;
Have a great weekend Haruka!